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Barnabas: A place of relationships

I’ve now been on duty as the Executive Director of the Barnabas Community for nearly two months. If I haven’t had a chance to meet you yet, my apologies. But I look forward to meeting everyone who graces the Barnabas Community with their presence and involvement.

Even though I was a volunteer at the Barnabas Community for about 5 ½ years prior to being called to this position, I’ve learned some things. Actually, I’ve seen some things with new eyes. I have made new friends there. They are a part of my new community. I was recently gone from the Community for a week. I found myself missing the people there; volunteers and guests alike. On Thursday night, I wondered how the worship service and meal were going. I wondered how the meal was. On Saturday morning, my mouth watered and I craved the biscuits and gravy. But what I craved even more was the conversations with the people.

I’m finding that the Barnabas Community is so much more than clothing, food and pretty doggone good coffee. It is a place of relationships. They are unique. Barnabas is a place where people from very different backgrounds can come together as a community. No one simply gives or gets at the Barnabas Community. We all give and receive. Are the gifts we receive always tangible? Absolutely not! The most meaningful gifts are often those that cannot be bought, sold or traded. They are ones that touch our hearts and lives.

You will hear more from me about these “new eyes” I have developed. I hope, if you have thoughts to share on this, you will seek me out. I love listening, so you will have a captive audience. Thank you for welcoming me and allowing me to be a part of YOUR community. I look forward to growing with you.